Saturday, May 10, 2008

just a day, just an ordinary day♥

I love music. :] Especially the kind that you can relate to, or the kind that has amazingly wondeful lyrics. I can seriously sit and listen to music for endless amounts of time. Tell me some of your favorite songs.

International day practice today was pretty fun. We learned a lot, and it looks super cool when it's all put together and everyone does what they're supposed to do. After most people left, some of stayed and played together. We went pretty crazy. Seriously, to other people, we must have looked like some psychos. Which we're not. Obviously. :] I don't like the fact that I have to stand for more than a minute and a half with my arms over my head. Oh well. I guess it'll make it easier for me to give dirty looks to the other groups of people.

Once again, I'm excited for social. Super duper excited. It's gonna be pretty fun. Hopefully. So, go to it! Ticket sales end Wednesday, supposedly.

Hmm. So this whole get off the computer and turn off my phone at ten o'clock thing is making me go to bed early. Because I basically have nothing to do past ten, since watching tv is too loud that late at night. Last night, I went to sleep at 10:30. I never ever go to sleep that early usually. And I wanted to sleep until ten this morning, but I woke up at 8:30 since I had been asleep so long. But I guess this is good, so I can catch up on lost sleep. :]

Tomorrow, say happy mother's day to your mommy, or your aunts, or your grandma, or any female person in your life. It will make them happy. :] I probably get to eat somewhere yummy tomorrow. Yay.

Mkay. I have to go finish this script for a Spanish project that I've been working on for like, two hours. x)


ali- said...

i dont know how to leave a comment on my own blog either. >__>

so its okay. :]

Anonymous said...

hello marrisa :D

Michele ^-^ said...

I finally found your blog!!
Yayy! ^-^