Well, the past two weeks have been fun. (: Me and Megan spent like all the time together. We had summer school, and Dana would be with us, then after we'd stay at school till 12:45 and we'd learn from Mr. Tseng or just talk or play cards or something. Then my brother would take us to Cerritos College for volleyball camp. Which was bad. -_- but whatever. We met fun people and had some random really fun days playing there. And it gave me a reason to see at least Megan.
Yesterday, I was with her like the wholeee day. x) haha. We went to town center after volleyball and we ate fries and bought movie tickets. Charleen, Stephanie, me, and Megan were seeing Dark Knight at 4:10. But Charleen & Steph didn't get there till 4:20 because they had basketball practice, and had to run to town center. Haha. But it was really fun. Me and Megan laughed about so many random things. Like, at Great Steak or whatever it's called, I wanted to put the ketchup in the little cup thingie, and she was holding it, and i pushed the handle thing, and it all spurted out all over her hand. haha. the guy behind the counter thought we were crazy. And I thought i saw Hanna woo, so i ran out of the restaurant, but i pulled instead of pushed the door, so i started laughing and when i got outside i fell down because i was laughing so hard. Hahah. And also, our mommy and me date! When me and her were getting out of the car, Mrs. Machado was like, "Megan, you and me are gonna see Mamma Mia together!" So i was like "Ooh! We can have a MOMMY-AND-ME date!!" and Megan started laughing so hard. And throughout the day she kept thinking about it, but I didn't even think it was that funny.
but yeah. After the movie, Megan, Charleen, and Stephanie and me were talking and stuff. And when stephanie left, we got food and kept talking about random things. We had very moody conversations, like we'd talk about something super serious, then all of a sudden bring up like an inside joke. haha. But yeah. It made me realize certain things, and wonder about the friendship(s) I have made, and how I could or should do something to make them better. but I just don't know how. And these people are changing. At least some of them are. And I know other people notice these things I'm talking about. But I don't wanna go and tell everyone what I'm thinking about, because then that just makes it all public and stuff. But, either way, I'm still happy right now. (: so don't worry about anything. (:
So. Sean's back. Just till....Saturday? But I wanna see him. And I know I can't on Friday or Saturday. And I might on Monday, but it might be only for a couple hours, because I have soccer practice at 3:30 and IC (possibly) meeting at 3. And I already ditched soccer yesterday, so i don't know which one i'll go to. Or if I'll just stay with Akshay and them. But yeah. People think it's weird that I do wanna see him and talk to him. But the last two times I had chances to, I just said hi, because it was super awkward. Because of the, ahem, situations. x| But I do. I thought about it for so long last night, since he came back today. I stayed up so late, wondering how I felt last year, how I feel now, and things like that. So I know with no doubt that I do want to see him. Hopefully I will more than once. Because who knows when he'll be back again.
And tomorrow, Adrian's having a barbeque for his dragonboating team, and there'll be like 20 people. Meaning, it's either gonna be REALLY fun or REALLY boring for me. So he said I can invite a couple of my own friends. So hopefully they can come. Or else I'll just get to know the older kids. Or just be on my computer the whole time.
But yeahh. A sorta random post. x) I'm gonna go and finish summer school homework, play Sims 2 for a little bit, then go to the mall with my mommy to meet Megan and her mom there, to watch Mamma Mia together. (: I'm not eating popcorn this time! x) Byee!
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